3 Tips for the Floral Preservation Process

 In Floral Preservation

Important life events, such as births, birthdays, weddings, and funerals, typically include flowers. It is not unusual for people to want to preserve their flowers as a keepsake or memento of the event. Follow these essential tips to make the floral preservation process a success.

1. Promptly Give Flowers to Your Preservation Company

One of the most important factors that determines the success of the floral preservation process is time. Delivering the flowers to a reputable preservation company that is skilled in the floral preservation process quickly will ensure that the flowers will be preserved as close to their original shape and color as possible. By delaying, the color of the flowers may fade, and the flowers and leaves may wilt. In addition, mold may grow on the petals or leaves, making the preservation process impossible. At Floral Preservation and More, we take the hassle out of getting your flowers to us. Simply call us to set up a time for a Floral Preservation team member to stop by your event and pick up your flowers. This will leave you with more time to enjoy your event without added stress.

2. Store Flowers in a Cool, Dry Place

Until the flowers are delivered to a preservation company for the floral preservation process, keep the flowers in a cool, dry place-where they will not be touched. The oils from fingers will cause the flower petals to degrade quicker, so touching them is discouraged. Ideally, flowers should be stored on the top shelf of a refrigerator, not touching the door, sides, or top of the refrigerator.  If no refrigerator is available, a basement or a well-air conditioned room will work, as well.

3. Avoid Temperature Extremes and DIY Preservation

If the flowers are stored in an area that is too hot or too cold, the floral preservation process will be futile. It will not be possible to preserve frozen flowers or flowers that are left in the heat, such as the heat of the car or in direct sunlight. Also, although it may be tempting to preserve the flowers yourself, the floral preservation process is best left to the experts. Never spray the flowers with hairspray, nor hang them upside down to dry them since it will make professional preservation impossible.

Have a special event coming up? Would you like to preserve your floral memories for years to come? We will work with you to create a custom, beautiful and unique floral memory that will stand the test of time. Contact us at Floral Preservation & More today to get started!

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