How it Works
The Preservation Process

In order for our team to properly preserve the flowers so they look their best, there are certain steps you should take to help preserve your flowers before you can get them to us. Flowers are very delicate, and waiting too long will cause your flowers to lose their color, nutrients, and structure. For best results, try to get your flowers to us as soon as possible.
Before the Flowers Get to Us

You can do a lot to make sure your flowers are freezer ready. Believe it or not, something as small as touching a peddle with your finger can cause the flower to wilt more quickly. Here are some tips to remember before you bring the flowers to us:
- Keep the flowers on the top shelf of the refrigerator – do not allow them to touch the sides or top of the refrigerator and make sure they are out of the way of the door when it closes so the flowers are not touching the door.
- If you have a hand-tied bouquet – please put it in a vase of water prior to putting it in the refrigerator. If it will not fit in a vase in the refrigerator, you can wrap a moist, white paper towel around the stems. Do not put anything wet on the flowers themselves. Lay the stem-wrapped bouquet on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
- If you do not have immediate access to a refrigerator – place the flowers in an air conditioned room or basement.
- Never leave flowers out in the heat.

Be careful with your flowers. DO NOT:
- Leave flowers out in the heat.
- Put flowers in the freezer.
- Leave flowers in a hot or cold car
- Put flowers in an empty refrigerator (flowers will freeze). Other things need to be in the refrigerator.
- Spray with hair spray.
- Hang flowers upside down in an attempt to dry them.
Unfortunately, your flowers are beyond preservation if:
- Your flowers have been frozen
- Your flowers have an unpleasant odor
- Your flowers have mold on the stems.
As a general rule, try to treat your flowers as if they were the most expensive item of your event. This way, the flowers will not only look their best throughout your event, but when they arrive to us as well!